About The Author
About the Author
Please answer the following questions by starting a new topic.
1. What is your major?
2. What operating system do you have on your computer?
Windows 7
3. Do you have the right to upgrade the software on your computer?
4. What Internet and computer related courses have
you already taken and what are your usual activities on the Internet
(Facebook, email, chats, etc.)?
I haven't taken any courses for computers. However, I
am familiar with twitter, chat, facebook, Odesk, some HTML, email, some
microsoft office, some mac shortcuts, firefox, chrome, and IE, also I
use rockmelt fairly often.
5. Have you taken online courses before?
Yes, we used moodle, So using it again provides some form of comfort.
6. Do you have MS Office on your computer? If yes, which version?
Yes, Office 2010
7. Do yo work anywhere now?
I do some consulting work for Mint Consignment NJ, with they're shopify account.
8. When do you graduate?
May 2014
9. Add anything you want about your interests,
skills, job projects, etc. that might help the instructor and students
understand you and your computer/Internet skills and interests better.
I've always been good with computers. Though, I
would like to be a bit better. I have a friend who is studying to do IT
work and security for Xerox. He shows me a couple of neat things with my
computer and other linux OS's.
My brother has always been a huge nerd when it comes to computers,
but instead of mocking him for it, I use this to my advantage. He has
taught me how to format, download, upload, connect drives, and do many
other things on multiple OS's.
Though I know more than most when it comes to computers, luckily
there is always more to learn and I would enjoy learning more in this
class. Specifically about connecting network drives. For some reason I'm
having issues with maintaining connections between laptops on my
network and I'd like to figure out why this is occurring.
10. What are your hobbies or what do you like to do outside of school and work ?
I enjoy reading. I like my PS3. I spend time
traveling, learning, and exploring with my girlfriend. Hopefully I will
be working for Alex Olbrecht at the Eastern Economic Association here at
Ramapo, this coming September.
I have been a photographer since highschool. I play guitar( not well, but i can get around). And I enjoy TED talks.
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