Monday, August 6, 2012

SQL Queries and Graphs

1.. This Query Table shows the sales in areas where sales were greater than $2000.

It labels them in the region and which products were purchased. This will allow managers to be able to see where the bulk of their sales are coming from.

I used the example given to us and then changed the ending limit to 2000.

SELECT "Product Category","Region","Product","Sales" FROM "Sales" WHERE "Region"='East' AND "Sales">2000


2. In this report I used

SELECT "Region", "Customer Name", "Date", "Profit"
FROM "Sales" WHERE "Product Category" = 'Furniture' AND "Profit" >1500

This allowed me to find the date in which people were buying the most furniture and where the profit was above 1500. This allows me to


3. Here is the same Report but with the profit raised to 3000 to show big ticket items.

SELECT "Region", "Customer Name", "Date", "Profit"
FROM "Sales" WHERE "Product Category" = 'Furniture' AND "Profit" >3000


This allows store owners to find the biggest ticket items, and which ones were popular. Thus attention can be paid to these items to ensure their sale and to track their popularity over time.

Here is a link of a graph from the SQL reports based on Profit over time.


This allows users to see overall profit and if we are meeting the standards of previous years. According this chart, we are not. We are slightly under since 2008 but higher than 2009.


  1. I logged onto ZOHO
  2. Watched the video on how to create SQL query reports.
  3. I copied and pasted the link from the example and changed the parameters to give the query new results.
  4. I labeled the changes and noted their outcome.
  5. I stated the benefits of these changes to users of SQL reports
  6. I saved the queries
  7. I shared them here.
  8. Then I saved them onto my blogger.

Austin Energy First to Implement a Smart Grid

Austin Energy First to Implement a Smart Grid (4)

I will be discussing the social issues created by the advent of Smart Grid Technology in Austin Texas. Now, a Smart grid is an electrical grid that is connected via underground cables. This “‘Smart grid’ generally refers to a class of technology people are using to bring utility electricity delivery systems into the 21st century, using computer-based remote control and automation. These systems are made possible by two-way communication technology and computer processing that has been used for decades in other industries.”(1, end of the first paragraph) This connection connection allows for diminished power outages and the ability for electrical users--such as home owners-- to track their usage. Which leads to “many benefits to utilities and consumers -- mostly seen in big improvements in energy efficiency on the electricity grid and in the energy users’ homes and offices.” (1 end of the first paragraph) Also, this smart grid allows one to see one’s usage over how much electricity is being produced from one’s home, say if you were using solar panels. PBS news begged the question of Austin’s Smart Grid “is the smart grid more efficient or just more practical...do these benefits outweigh the cost of uprooting an old system (electric poles and above ground wires) and replacing it with this one?” (2)

Austin’s Smart Grid technology has many benefits but companies similar to our PSE&G have a few complaints. Although these grids are bringing higher efficiency while demystifying energy consumption, the energy companies are concerned that smart grids will literally and figuratively take away some of the power from electrical companies. With “over 6 billion data points, [Austin power] is using super computing to figure out how to make the power consumption of the town more efficient.” (1) By using Decision Support Systems, they use this data to make informed decision on their personal and city wide consumption.

According to PBS, some Austinites are also solving “peak hour” issues of energy consumption by charging batteries during the morning. Subsequently, they use these charged batteries to power their households when prices for grid based electricity is high. (1) This takes power (energy) away from electric companies, while it loosens their monopoly on energy production by making it accessible to all. Electric companies are saying what you would expect them too. “At home rechargeable batteries are not safe yet”(2).

Now, till date, energy companies have denounced personal, renewable, batteries as being too dangerous. However, according to the Daily News there are entire island villages which safely use rechargeable car batteries, charged from photovoltaic arrays, as their main source of energy. According the Daily News, one island business owners said that "We don't have any power cuts, like our fellow brethren in the city!"(3) This island system was installed to combat the conditions after monsoons and flooding. They use the batteries to charge their refrigerators, cell phones, lights etc. This puts the power back in the hands of the users. With the combined power of computing, information systems, and DSS imagine what this system can do for America's energy problems.

In Conlcusion, and to finally answer the question of PBS, “is it practical to convert to this system?” (1) It is not only practical, it is our responsibility to the world to do so. We have the technology to implement smart decisions into our energy usage. We leave ourselves less open to energy attacks from hackers. Also, the more we compartmentalize our energy production and usage, the safer our future becomes. If one section of town gets a blackout, this energy system will ensure quick repair, data on when, where, and why the power was lost, and personal power production for the time in which the grid is down. We must be a part of producing, monitoring, consuming our energy. Who knows what using IS technology will do for other public works, like water usage, voting. But with electricity being the guinea pig, we will be one step closer to a more efficient world.

1. http://energy.gov/oe/technology-development/smart-grid
4. Information Systems 6th Edition Page 332

Thursday, August 2, 2012

DSS in our lives

People may not be aware of it but Decision Support Systems, or DSS, are used in many different parts of life. DSS is responsible for medical decisions, agricultural developments and especially business planning. We will be discussing how we use this technology to augment human decision making.
DSS has many function, however the main “goal of a DSS is to make management more efficient and effective, particularly with ad hoc and discretionary decisions” (1). That is, the use of DSS will ensure that archaic decision making is not employed and companies, businesses, and fields work more efficiently.
It is also important for companies to teach the benefits of DSS and how easy it is to use systems like these. For instance, people don’t really know when they are using a DSS or not. But let me put it simply: "If you go to Weather.com and look at the forecast and decide to bring an umbrella with you, you're another successful user of decision-support systems," (2)
    Now for businesses, weather.com may not be the best DSS to find proper business conclusions. For most businesses DSS was relegated to only specific sections of companies but this is changing. “Managers are calling for DSS integration all over the companie” (2). This is similar to having a company that uses weather.com and umbrellas.com to find which umbrella is best for the expected weather. Moreover,  managers believe it creates higher efficiency and allows the managers to create concrete plans based on good information. That is, “Once you have visibility across the enterprise, you can make decisions on the data” (2). This concept is similar to cloud computing and the ability to share necessary information with all levels of the company. This creates a more efficient workforce.
    Decision Support Systems are not just for the business world. They can also be utilized to influence the decision which doctors make. That is a specific type of DSS known as “Clinical Decision Support Systems are active knowledge systems which use two or more items of patient data to generate case-specific advice” (3) This is helpful in ensuring that a patient will get the right medication or that a doctor can quickly make a diagnosis and a prescription depending on the ailments of a patient. Medical DSS is becoming more prevalent in hospitals and private practice. It helps avoid mistakes and catches repeat information, labeling it as a pattern to be investigated.

DSS is a part of our lives and as AI gets better DSS will too. Eventually we will have AI that can make decisions based on DSS programming. However, this comes with its own set of risks: AI may not be programmed with emotions and gut instincts. Logic can make harsh decisions, but by combining DSS with human compassion, we can create helpful, efficient solutions to medical, business, and every day decisions.

1. http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Cos-Des/Decision-Support-Systems.html
2. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/72327/Decision_Support_Systems

Monday, July 30, 2012

The 5 Simple Benefits of E-Businesses

Electronic-Business, otherwise known as E-business, is quickly replacing and/or augmenting current brick and mortar stores all over the world and we are going to find out why. Electronic Business which may be categorized as the use of a website to make sales--has notable advantages. Additionally, according to www.CheshireHenbury.com “Business of all sizes in all sectors are using the Internet in many different ways - to work with partners and suppliers, for procurement, for internal activities such as knowledge sharing and new product development, and much more.” To understand why websites like cheshirehenbury.com are supporting the E-business revolution, we will be exploring the noted advantages of E-business’s in order to understand how it can benefit business.

For starters, E-business structure speaks to five easy benefits to business. That is it removes location and availability restrictions; it reduces time and money spent on a business;
it expedites customer service; shows you how to improve with tools like google analytics; and finally it keeps your business relevant (2). Let me explain these benefits.

Firstly, a store open in one location can not make a “traditional sale” (someone coming in and buying an item) anywhere else. But a business that is online and has a website can make a sale all over the world and at any time. With tools like paypal, ebay, and amazon, making sales online has never been easier. Also, there are no availability restrictions with a website. With the exception of www.BNH.com, which closes for its observance of the Jewish sabbath(3), most websites stay open 24/7.

Second, when one has a physical storefront, there are costs that go into keeping that store open. Chiefly, rent, electricity, insurance, hot water, utilities...etc. (2) Having only a website means you just need to by the fees for owning the domain. Which is important for any business functioning in the fallout of the 2007-08 economic meltdown. Plus, a store owner with a website has to merely roll out of bed and log onto their PC to check invoices, make sales, tweak marketing and check up on their business. This is a massive time saver when compared to driving to work, opening a store, setting up and then waiting for customers.

Now, one of the most important of the Five Benefits to E-business is how E-business functions in the realm of Customer service. E-business are not shackled by the same values of a brick and mortar store. According to Chron.com the “Quality of service [used to be] determined by how long a customer had to wait inline, how courteous the sales associate was, the hours the provider was open and how well they could respond to your needs. In the Internet age, most service relates to the ease-of-use of a website, how simple it is to navigate, shipping options and the ability to track your purchase.” (4) Clearly, E-business’s have changed what customers value. Which is a welcome playing field for most “mom and pop” stores, which now have to compete with “big box” businesses.

When small, local stores compete with national buying power of stores like CVS, Walmart, and Target, they (the small stores) can’t win. However, with the help of E-business structures-- stores can stay relevant. They can make sales, have a cool website, and communicate with their target market using social media and other means. Having a web presence is one of the most important things a business can do to successfully compete in the global marketplace. Web presence is to business as sonar is to deep sea fishing.

In Conclusion, our world is changing and with it, so is the way we do business. small and large business owners need to be aware of the benefits of E-business’s. Without this knowledge, we will see more and more “for rent” signs on the main streets of our local towns. With this knowledge we will see economic prosperity. That is, “the adoption of e-business at the microeconomic level of retail, wholesale, and labor market transactions has an enormous impact on the performance of firms and the eco-nomic welfare of consumers and workers” (5 Page 1, Abstract)

1. http://www.cheshirehenbury.com/ebusiness/ebbenefits.html
2. http://onlinebusiness.volusion.com/articles/e-business-advantages/
4. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/effect-e-business-customer-service-2097.html

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Personal Area Networks: The key to My Entertainment

Personal Area Networks: The key to My Entertainment


I have a lot of digital media; like music, movies, and pictures. I have bought everything I own or created it. However, it can be cumbersome to transfer and access this content from anywhere. Although, I and my friend Luis, have figured out a solution to my accessibility woes: a PAN, otherwise known as a Personal Area Network. But because my files are so large, I had to use a LAN, local area network, to ensure fast streaming. This is the story of how I used a PAN and a LAN to create the ideal viewing environment for my digital media.

Now,  you have probably used a PAN before--such as, when you have logged onto a wifi hotspot. And have you ever printed something in the Ramapo College’s Library? Then you have used a LAN. But, instead of sending documents to a printer or another computer, I wanted to send my Finding Nemo movie to my Television, from my computer.

But first, I want to explain what a PAN is. According to the Textbook Fundamentals of Information Systems, a “PAN is a wireless network that connects information technology devices...you can connect a laptop, digital camera, and portable printer without cables.”(1, Page 169) I would be using PAN to get the information from my laptop to my wireless router.

To get the information from the router to my PS3 I would be utilizing a network known as a LAN. which “Connects computer systems and devices within a small area” (2, page 169). This would help the information transfer quickly from the router to the actual PS3.

Now, I will explain how I hooked everything up. Firstly, I connected my PS3 to my Television and downloaded a media server for my laptop--I used Plex Media server, for it’s ease of use and layout.  Using the media server, I connected my laptops information to my PS3, making it accessible through the PS3. Technically speaking, I used a PAN to connect to the route, but I used a LAN to connect the router to the PS3, thus completing the information circuit. Doing this ensured a high transfer rate. When dealing with large amounts of data, such as in movies like Finding Nemo, you want a high transfer rate. Without it, its like watching a youtube video that doesn’t want to buffer.

Moving on, I used my laptop to store my digital media. I was tired of having scratched DVD’s so I copied everything over to my external hard drive. I plug this into my laptop to create another drive for the media server to access.

Now, Via PS3’s media server, I was able to access my laptops data, through a LAN and a PAN. I used the this media server to locate Finding Nemo, access it, and View it on my flatscreen TV. Additionally, I can also access my media Server from Plex's mobile APP. So I can watch Finidng Nemo on my Iphone as well.

In Conclusion, with a little know how, some help from media server forums, and a friend who is good with networking, we can use networks to make our lives more convenient.

1. Information Systems- Page 149, bottom right column, second to last paragraph.

2. http://forums.plexapp.com/index.php/forum/73-windows/

Cloud Computing: Changing the Face of the world

Cloud Computing: Changing the Face of the world

Cloud computing is a bold new frontier in human interaction. That is, how we interact with each other, our product, our favorite stores, and even our music is now drastically different than just a few years ago. Cloud computing offers “ the full scalability, reliability, high performance and relatively low cost feasible solution as compared to dedicated infrastructures” (1) But the beauty of Cloud computing is not just how much cheaper it is, but in how it can literally change the world. It has the ability to create (jobs), destroy (regimes), and share(media). But for entertainment’s sake, let’s start with Egypts Government being overthrown.

Writer for and Cloud computing journal, Tim Estes, wrote “On January 25, 2011 the overthrow of the Egyptian government began - quietly at first, with non-violent demonstrations of long-held grievances”(2) Later on, the ability to share, speak, record, and rapidly disperse information amongst a motivated crowd was key in Egypt's revolution. With Cloud computing, Estes writes, “we were able to see the trouble brewing in Egypt months before it was exposed through protests in the street. “ The information stored on servers and in “the cloud” shows just how much information was there and who was accessing it. Cloud computing helped to motivate an entire country to fight for a brighter future.

However, Cloud computing is not just for tearing down governments.  It is also meant to help create.The use of shared documents, like in Google drive, allows users to create manifestos and have others work, shared, edited, and forwarded all across the globe. Due to cloud computing’s low cost, companies like Google are able to offer more services for free than ever before. Additionally, according to www.eweek.comGoogle's Partner Program Looks to Get More Businesses Into the Cloud" (3) because the ROI is higher due to the scalability of Cloud centric services.

Speaking of creation, Amazon and many other companies have used Cloud computing to create more jobs. In fact Forbes magazine recently wrote an article stating that “Just as cloud computing is a game-changer for many companies, it is also changing the nature of jobs – not only within the information technology department, but in other parts of the enterprise as well.” (4) The use of these technicians is similar to utilizing a database administrator. He or she has to “plan, design, create and operate, secure, monitor and maintain the database”(5, page 149) without individuals like administrators, Cloud computing can still be considered not as secure as dedicated infrastructures. That being said, without the right people guarding your information, it( a dedicated infrastructure) can also be hacked into.

In Conclusion,  whether or not one uses Cloud Computing depends on how secure you want to be and if you are using a secure system. So, we must make a choice, do we sacrifice convenience and price for security. Or do we allow ourselves to be potentially open to harm. For individuals in Egypt, the choice was clear. I for one am glad to use Cloud computing, and I welcome it into my technological life.




5.Information Systems- Page 149, bottom right column, second to last paragraph.

Monday, July 23, 2012

EBSCO Online Research Database

EBSCO Online Research Database
Think about the email you get on your smartphone--if you send, receive, or modify something, it will always be saved on the server for later access. This accessibility is a convenience that is spilling over into many professional fields, specifically the medical profession. With database technology, similar to what is used in your phone, EBSCO(1) created a way for the medical profession to share information a similar way.

For EBSCO, a medical professional can look up data about a patient, edit the information, and store it for later. Additionally EBSCO acts a server for multiple types of medical databases. These servers feature as patient educators, journal and magazine reporters, and a resource for point-of-care providers.

One of the most important features it offers is its ability to work in real time. Using its EMR (Electronic Medical Records) integration tools it “streamlines integration between EBSCO Publishing's online clinical, nursing care, patient education, and medical research resources and all Electronic Health/Medical Records (EHR/EMR), decision support and patient record applications.”(2) In laymen’s terms, this helps nurses, physical therapists, doctors, and pharmacist--among many others in the medical field-- to access and disseminate medical information as quickly and accurately as possible.

Many medical organizations use EBSCO, from small doctors offices to entire hospitals. Using a database to collect, store, and utilize data and information helps medical professionals with their day-to-day tasks. Additionally, EBSCO databases and servers helps medical professionals learn, teach, and research. This database is helping push the medical world into the future. This is because EBSCO stores journals, business reports, medical reports, patient information, historical research,e-books, and many other types of information. No longer will Doctors have to leave a patients bedside to look something up. They no longer have to second guess or rely sole on their memory--which can increase errors and medical malpractice. Doctor’s do not want to make the wrong call, EBSCO helps them to avoid this.

That is, for EBSCO, “Improving service quality and reducing medical errors are critical success factors for health care providers today.” (2) with accurate information about their patients, collected into one convenient location, health care providers are making less mistakes than ever. Additionally, they are also using on-the-go apps on mobile hardware like iPads and tablet PC’s (3). This creates an increased atmosphere of accessibility for medical professionals who use EBSCO.

However, just because the information is available doesn’t mean it is necessarily accessible. We have all used a search bar on a website to find that it was basically useless. But for EBSCO, understanding just how important Metadata is allows EBSCO’s search bar feature to provide accurate information to anyone who searches through their servers or on their database.

EBSCO provides the world with information and resources to accurately treat patients and evolve old practices into modern medicine (4). Without servers and databases like these, our information would be hard to share and teach. Though EBSCO has come a long way and is rated as one of the most helpful medical databases available for use, there are still features it needs and there are always ways which it can improve. As information systems go, we must never rest on our laurels, we must always try to improve.


1. What Specific challenges does your database system implementation have?
EBSCO faces challenges with how it shares its medical information with different servers or a similar nature. Though, if it is compatible, it will allow easy access. If not, the system can become archaic and hard to use.

2. In what ways does it provide a competitive advantage for the organization using it?

Any organization which uses any of the services, information, and databases of EBSCO will see that they have a leg up over their competitors. They will have access to medical journals, up-to-date patient history, point-of-care assessments, newest drug information and this is only for the medical field. EBSCO also features information helpful for governments, business, hospitals, schools, k-12 schools, and public libraries. Additionally, information on “customers” is saved and properly managed with CRM technology. Also, they feature group sharing of information for anyone in your business and they offer mobile accessibility to their programs.

3.What improvements would you suggest?

Due to EBSCO offering so many different features, it was hard to research specifically what they did. I would recommend them having videos explaining everything in easy to understand language. However, wordage like they used is expected in a field inundated with jargon talk.

1. EBSCO - http://www.ebscohost.com/biomedical-libraries
2. EMR- http://www.ebscohost.com/pointOfCare/emr-integration
3. Apps- http://appsontap.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/accessing-ebsco-mobile/
4. Basic Research-- http://www.ebscohost.com/uploads/imported/thisTopic-dbTopic-840.pdf

Hardware and Software in the M-commerce and E-commerce world

Being aware of new and old hardware and software can help a small business act like a large firm. Using proper software and hardware can make the difference in how you handle customers, their information, and how a business markets itself.

  1. Customer Care Cards -- Basically these are scannable, refillable, and swipeable cards with magnetic strips. These cards can be stored on one’s smart phone. Much like the “Gold card” for starbucks, these cards are used to keep track of loyal customers and to reward them with perks like free refills. Also, these cards act as Personal information managers which store data on purchasing habits and customer info. (1)
  2. Self Serve POS-- Point of Sale systems allow People to order things for themselves. Using a touch screen and graphics--venues can have customers placing their orders and paying without ever having to talk to a human(2). Additionally, these systems can be hooked up to mobile apps so customers can order online or from their phones.
  3. Display Monitor- The Self Serve POS would be nothing without proper display. Allowing information to be displayed on a monitor or on one’s phone allows for m-commerce and E-commerce to function.
  4. Online Call Center-- Websites like grasshopper.com allow small business to appear large and professional. One can set up a calling number, a personalized answer, different lines for people to call and extensions for employees. Additionally, grasshopper will save all your incoming messages and turn the call data into usable output for managers and employees. All this information can be accessed online or on their phones with a mobile grasshopper app.
  5. Applications- Applications allow small businesses to enter into the smart phone market. This helps a business sell, buy, and inform its customers over the internet and on their phones. It also makes a business seem legitimate and professional.
  6. Tablet Computers- In some restaurants, tablets have replaced menus and are being given to waiters to show pictures of food. Additionally, they can display purchase orders, calories in a meal, and quickly add customer information to a client database.

Fishing, Polls, and Gadgets

I added fun gadgets that will entertain and draw in readers. I used a gadget which displays fish which anyone can view, feed, and corral with a mouse pointer. I also added a poll to see which readers were being active in the blog posts.

Setting this up was extremely easy.


1. Sign into your Google account
2. Go to the top of the page and click 'more", find blogger and then click it
3. Scroll down and click your blog.
4. Click 'Layout"
5. then look the right of the page, there should be a hyperlink that says "add Gadget", click that.
6. Go to 'popular' gadgets on the left, or search for 'fish'
7. Add it (after you customize which colors you want for your fish and how many you want).
8. Then find the gadget in the layout (probably on the right side of the layout)
9. Drag it into the main screen above or below your post.
10. Save layout, and view blog. TADA!!! Fish pond.

Repeat the steps for the poll but just search for 'poll' instead of 'fish'


The Peoples Facebook

 The People's Facebook
People may think that, on Facebook, “my update is MY update”. But, they would be wrong. When one updates their Facebook status or their twitter feed or even their pinterest--the world watches. This problem of Facebook owning our information, rather than us owning it is wrong.

Our information is valuable, so much so that according to Gary Kovacs, the CEO of the Mozilla Corporation, tracking our behavior online is “Very big business”. At over a Billion dollars a year, people are paying Facebook and many other behavioral tracking websites to know what we like, or dislike.

Now, not all information sharing is bad. In fact, it’s great when a website can suggest things to me based on my taste. But when a company holds my information, they can do whatever they want with it. That is why I suggest we make an alternative to Facebook. This alternative will be owned by those users who occupy the site. We will all have a share and stake of the website and we will be paid to sell our information to behavioral tracking websites.

Its simple. Our information is being sold and we do not benefit from it, at least not via monetary compensation. A people’s Facebook will benefit society by putting our information in our own hands and it will add value to our shopping experience. That is, marketers will know the information is accurate because it is in the users’ best interest to keep it accurate.

About The Author

 About the Author


Please answer the following questions by starting a new topic.

1. What is your major?


2. What operating system do you have on your computer?

Windows 7

3. Do you have the right to upgrade the software on your computer?


4. What Internet and computer related courses have you already taken and what are your usual activities on the Internet (Facebook, email, chats, etc.)?

I haven't taken any courses for computers. However, I am familiar with twitter, chat, facebook, Odesk, some HTML, email, some microsoft office, some mac shortcuts, firefox, chrome, and IE, also I use rockmelt fairly often.

5. Have you taken online courses before?

Yes, we used moodle, So using it again provides some form of comfort.

6. Do you have MS Office on your computer? If yes, which version?

Yes, Office 2010

7. Do yo work anywhere now?

I do some consulting work for Mint Consignment NJ, with they're shopify account.

8. When do you graduate?

May 2014

9. Add anything you want about your interests, skills, job projects, etc. that might help the instructor and students understand you and your computer/Internet skills and interests better.

I've always been good with computers. Though, I would like to be a bit better. I have a friend who is studying to do IT work and security for Xerox. He shows me a couple of neat things with my computer and other linux OS's.

My brother has always been a huge nerd when it comes to computers, but instead of mocking him for it, I use this to my advantage. He has taught me how to format, download, upload, connect drives, and do many other things on multiple OS's.

Though I know more than most when it comes to computers, luckily there is always more to learn and I would enjoy learning more in this class. Specifically about connecting network drives. For some reason I'm having issues with maintaining connections between laptops on my network and I'd like to figure out why this is occurring.

10. What are your hobbies or what do you like to do outside of school and work ?

I enjoy reading. I like my PS3. I spend time traveling, learning, and exploring with my girlfriend. Hopefully I will be working for Alex Olbrecht at the Eastern Economic Association here at Ramapo, this coming September.

I have been a photographer since highschool. I play guitar( not well, but i can get around). And I enjoy TED talks.

TeaCafe Spreadsheet

ZOHO Report

How many of you like my new poll gadget?