Monday, August 6, 2012

Austin Energy First to Implement a Smart Grid

Austin Energy First to Implement a Smart Grid (4)

I will be discussing the social issues created by the advent of Smart Grid Technology in Austin Texas. Now, a Smart grid is an electrical grid that is connected via underground cables. This “‘Smart grid’ generally refers to a class of technology people are using to bring utility electricity delivery systems into the 21st century, using computer-based remote control and automation. These systems are made possible by two-way communication technology and computer processing that has been used for decades in other industries.”(1, end of the first paragraph) This connection connection allows for diminished power outages and the ability for electrical users--such as home owners-- to track their usage. Which leads to “many benefits to utilities and consumers -- mostly seen in big improvements in energy efficiency on the electricity grid and in the energy users’ homes and offices.” (1 end of the first paragraph) Also, this smart grid allows one to see one’s usage over how much electricity is being produced from one’s home, say if you were using solar panels. PBS news begged the question of Austin’s Smart Grid “is the smart grid more efficient or just more practical...do these benefits outweigh the cost of uprooting an old system (electric poles and above ground wires) and replacing it with this one?” (2)

Austin’s Smart Grid technology has many benefits but companies similar to our PSE&G have a few complaints. Although these grids are bringing higher efficiency while demystifying energy consumption, the energy companies are concerned that smart grids will literally and figuratively take away some of the power from electrical companies. With “over 6 billion data points, [Austin power] is using super computing to figure out how to make the power consumption of the town more efficient.” (1) By using Decision Support Systems, they use this data to make informed decision on their personal and city wide consumption.

According to PBS, some Austinites are also solving “peak hour” issues of energy consumption by charging batteries during the morning. Subsequently, they use these charged batteries to power their households when prices for grid based electricity is high. (1) This takes power (energy) away from electric companies, while it loosens their monopoly on energy production by making it accessible to all. Electric companies are saying what you would expect them too. “At home rechargeable batteries are not safe yet”(2).

Now, till date, energy companies have denounced personal, renewable, batteries as being too dangerous. However, according to the Daily News there are entire island villages which safely use rechargeable car batteries, charged from photovoltaic arrays, as their main source of energy. According the Daily News, one island business owners said that "We don't have any power cuts, like our fellow brethren in the city!"(3) This island system was installed to combat the conditions after monsoons and flooding. They use the batteries to charge their refrigerators, cell phones, lights etc. This puts the power back in the hands of the users. With the combined power of computing, information systems, and DSS imagine what this system can do for America's energy problems.

In Conlcusion, and to finally answer the question of PBS, “is it practical to convert to this system?” (1) It is not only practical, it is our responsibility to the world to do so. We have the technology to implement smart decisions into our energy usage. We leave ourselves less open to energy attacks from hackers. Also, the more we compartmentalize our energy production and usage, the safer our future becomes. If one section of town gets a blackout, this energy system will ensure quick repair, data on when, where, and why the power was lost, and personal power production for the time in which the grid is down. We must be a part of producing, monitoring, consuming our energy. Who knows what using IS technology will do for other public works, like water usage, voting. But with electricity being the guinea pig, we will be one step closer to a more efficient world.

1. http://energy.gov/oe/technology-development/smart-grid
4. Information Systems 6th Edition Page 332

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