Thursday, July 12, 2012

Shopify.com-- an all-in-one information system E-commerce solution

Shopify.com at a glance

Shopify is a superb example of what a great e-commerce provider can do for small or large businesses.

By allowing users to pick from easy to customize website templates, small businesses can create an online presence for themselves quickly and easily. They provide 30 days of free service and charge affordable rates ranging from $29 a month to $150 based on a stores sales traffic.

Shopify hosts and stores all content necessary for selling items online. They help with creating mobile friendly versions of your website and for a nominal fee will even help you create and connect a mobile app to your website. Allowing your business to branch out into M-commerce as well as E-commerce.

Additionally, Shopify gathers information about users, visitors, and buyers who go to your website. Shopify also offers secure sales and storage of customer information. They save the data in an easy to access database and turn it into information with their easy to understand "information output section". Rather than only providing users with data, shopify creates charts, lists, and histories. They save IP addresses, visiting time, and daily revenue as well as many other metrics to see where your website can use help or is succeeding.

Input for Shopify.com

Shopify stores information on who views, buys, and shares your website by reading the webserver log files. They also allow e-commerce stores to create a database of sell-able items.Additionally, shopify.com allows customers to email and provide feedback to store owners. All communication can be saved in your store's account. 

Shopify also tracks where people are finding your website. They see the search terms which lead a viewer to your page and on average how many pages a person views before purchasing or leaving the website. This important feature allows a business owner to see which metadata is effective and which is not. 

Processing for Shopify.com

All the data which shopify collects is almost useless until it is compiled into workable information. The shopify database processes all this information and then creates a helpful output for Managers. The processing aspect of shopify uses statistics, based number of sales, revenue, revenue earned per item, visits, time spent browsing, location of viewers and many other equations to create useful information.

Output for Shopify.com 

Shopify's draws processed data from the shopify.com database to create useful graphs, charts, and suggestions to see where changes may be made to a user's website. The website owner, team members, and managers can access these statistics and track progress. Allowing the enterprise to reach its goals. However, if the enterprise is not reaching its goals, shopify provides these metrics and aids to get the business on track. It is in shopify's best interest that stores stay open because then they have continued subscription fees. Which means the information they provide users is realiable, accurate and useful.  

Feedback for Shopify.com

Shopify's feedback provides managers and owners with the tools to reach their goals or, as previously stated, to create course corrections so that they may reach their goals. Shopify.com has an incredible customer service team which helps you out if your store is in trouble. If there is something that confuses store owners, either the human resources or the information provided by the e-commerce database output will guide the store to success. Shopify.com provides start-ups, brick and mortar stores, and e-commerce ventures with a viable solution for creating e-commerce based revenue and online presence.

Thanks for reading! All comments and questions are welcome.  

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